Frequently Asked Question

  • Q: What's the requirement of the paper format?

    A: Please click here to download the template.

  • Q: What's the limit for page counts?

    A: Normally papers of 5 pages in length or longer are considered Full Papers. If the paper exceeds 5 pages, the extra fee will be required.

  • Q: Can I submit the same paper to other journals or conferences?

    A: No, if your paper was accepted by the conference organizing committee, the copyright of your paper would be transferred to the publisher.

  • Q: When will I get the invoice?

    A: We will print the invoice right after the registration. You should provide us the invoice title and invoice contents if you need an invoice; If you want the invoice urgently, please contact us and provide us the detailed mailing information, including: mailing address, zip code, the recipient's name, telephone number (authors need to bear the freight by themselves).

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The proceedings of CSAE2018 was published by ACM International Conference Proceedings Series on October 22, included in ACM digital library, and indexed by EI and Scopus successfully.
Please download it from:
Look forward to cooperation with you in CSAE2019.