Student Author with Full Paper |
RMB 3000 (USD 480) per paper |
Regular Author with Full Paper |
RMB 3200 (USD 510) per paper |
Extra Pages (Begin at Page 6) |
RMB 400 (USD 60) per extra page |
Oral / Poster Presentation only |
RMB 1500 (USD 240) per person |
Listener |
RMB 1500 (USD 240) per person |
1. Instructions
For Participants (仅参会人员):
Please download the registration form and send it to info@csaeconf.org
2. Authors' registration fee includes:
One Paper Publication (一篇文章的版面费)
All Technical Sessions (keynote speeches, oral and poster presentation, etc.)
Two Coffee breaks (两次茶歇)
Lunch & Dinner (大会当日中晚餐)
Conference program guide (会议物资)
One-day tour (一日游)
Note: Free invitation to attend the conference is only extended to one author for one registration. If more than one author of a paper will come, all the authors attending the conference must complete their registration individually.
3. The registration fee does not include:
Visa application fee
Transportation fee
(Notice: Conference organizing committee reserves all rights in the explanation of above terms. )