
CSAE2022 is switching to an online session, some conference materials will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Student Author with Full Paper RMB 3000 (USD 480) per paper
Regular Author with Full Paper RMB 3200 (USD 510) per paper
Extra Pages (Begin at Page 6) RMB 400 (USD 60) per extra page
Oral / Poster Presentation only RMB 1500 (USD 240) per person
Listener RMB 1500 (USD 240) per person

1. Instructions
For Participants (仅参会人员):
Please download the registration form and send it to

2. Authors' registration fee includes:
One Paper Publication (一篇文章的版面费)
All Technical Sessions (keynote speeches, oral and poster presentation, etc.)
Two Coffee breaks (两次茶歇)
Lunch & Dinner (大会当日中晚餐)
Conference program guide (会议物资)
One-day tour (一日游)

Note: Free invitation to attend the conference is only extended to one author for one registration. If more than one author of a paper will come, all the authors attending the conference must complete their registration individually.

3. The registration fee does not include:
Visa application fee
Transportation fee

(Notice: Conference organizing committee reserves all rights in the explanation of above terms. )